Outlanders Jamie Fraser will not be a huge fan of his business in Paris.

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The Highlander has been tasked with changing the course of history, and while his mission may be of great import, Jamie (Sam Heughan) is not feeling particularly optimistic - or comfortable - with his post Black Jack life.

"Jaime's thrown himself into it whole-heartedly. He's in it but he's not relishing it at all," Heughan said of his mission to quell the Jacobite Rising and save the Scottish way of life, according to Blastr. "We see [Jamie and Clare] slowly get better at [playing the game] and learn they can undercut people and be quite political themselves. Publicly he's a good businessman and very charming, but in those late nights with Claire we see the mask come off."

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There will be one light on the horizon for the couple. Clare (Caitriona Balfe) is pregnant against all odds, and the birth of their first child will keep the pair moving forward.

"They are bonded mostly by their child and it carries them through," Heughan teased.

Watch Jamie and Clare take on Paris when Outlander returns to Starz later this year.