Paul Wesley only had nice things to say about his Labor Day vacation with his girlfriend.

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On Monday, the actor took to Instagram to post a photo of Phoebe Tonkin, who he's been dating for the past two years. She sits on the edge of a small cliff over a body of water as the sun sets in the back. In Tonkin's dramatic pose, she sits in a breathtaking environment, something Wesley was proud to be a part of calling the trip "unforgettable."

 Thank you @aman for an unforgettable trip in Turks and Caicos.

A photo posted by Paul Wesley (@paulvedere) on Sep 7, 2015 at 11:45am PDT

Tonkin posted a photo on her page of her lovely vacation with her boyfriend.


A photo posted by Phoebe Tonkin (@phoebejtonkin) on Sep 7, 2015 at 7:50am PDT

Did Paul Wesley & Phoebe Tonkin Move In Together?

Meanwhile, Tonkin appears on the cover of Gritty Pretty where she talked about how she manages to stay healthy. Even though she works hard to stay in shape, she's not the type of person who needs to spend a long haul of hours at the gym and eating specifics.

"I do Ballet Beautiful workouts on my laptop and Skype my trainer three times a week," the actress said via Daily Mail. "I try not to stress too much and to have healthy snacks on hand at work, but if there are hot chips on set at midnight, I'm probably going to eat them."