The 100 fans will have to break out the tissues for Bellamy Blake in season 3.

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The Sky People have arrived back on earth to a life riddled with death and tough decisions. There is no doubt that writers for the post-apocalyptic drama will tug at viewers' heartstrings more than once before midseason (they're borderline sadistic), and Jason Rothenberg has confirmed that one of these moments will involve Bob Morley's Bellamy.

"(NOT-SO) DAILY DAILIES: It's rare that dailies make me cry," Rothenberg tweeted on Friday morning. "Thanks to [Bob Morley] today was one of those days. #The100."

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Morley later quipped that his acting couldn't have been that bad, but fans already know that Rothenberg's tears came because the actor did such a fantastic job with whatever heart-wrenching scene he was handed on Thursday.

There's always the chance that Rothenberg's tears were caused by laughter but, really, which do you think is more likely? The 100 certainly has it's comedic moments, but its body count certainly lends it to tears of sorrow.

Based on Rothenberg's previous description of Bellamy's season 3 arc, you will likely be reaching for the Kleenex on more than one occasion.

"Well, he's going to have a rough season, let's put it like that," showrunner Jason Rothenberg teased on Periscope. "But we're going to love it, going to love him, for it."

Find out what trouble await Bellamy and the rest of cast when The 100 returns to The CW in 2016. Click the video below to see a clip of Bellamy from season 2.