Is there any hope for Leith and Greer in the future of Reign?

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According to Jonathan Keltz (Leith), it's pretty unlikely right now. The actor spoke with No White Noise in Wednesday's report where he talked about the romance in his character and why there's a pretty slim chance he and Greer can get a happily ever after with each other.

"The thing I'll say is Greer has now turned Leith down from marriage twice. That's a pretty hard thing to come back from," Keltz said. "I think that we have potentially seen the last of these two love birds' foray into romance."

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A lot of this has to do with the fact that Greer and Leith want different things.

"Greer is very committed to her career path and her business and being the independent woman she now is. Leith is, although in a very new stage in his life, still committed to wanting a traditional and conventional family that he imagines for himself," Keltz noted. "I don't know if I see the two of them compromising on those two visions and dreams anytime soon. We may have seen the end of Greith."

The actor then opened up on the possibility of Queen Elizabeth making an appearance in France.

"Who knows," he said. "I'd say Leith, right now is trying as hard as he can not to get in trouble. That's what I'm trying not to do is get myself in trouble with the girl, the job, anything."

Reign airs on Fridays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.