There has been a lot of speculation surrounding Daniel Craig's continued association with the James Bond franchise after Spectre, especially after the movie was something of a disappointment to many critics.

Reviews by publications like Vanity Fair and The Verge actually hinted at the actor's leaving as a good move. "Spectre is a mess; a listless mash-up of lazy gags and storytelling shortcuts that doesn't just echo the series' Mooreian lows - it undermines all the work the franchise has done since 2006. By the time it was over, I completely understood why Daniel Craig wants out," the critic at The Verge wrote. Over at the Vanity Fair there was talk of Bon's obsoloscence. There's been so much turgid, meta-talk in Craig's films about Bond's obsolescence; watching Spectre was the first time I actually started to agree with the idea."

Now a new piece in Vanity Fair beseeches Craig to not quit the franchise after Spectre. It details reasons why the actor should stick on for his own good, especially giving the example of Sean Connery, who made a similar move quitting the franchise, only to return for Never Say Never Again after a bunch of years.

Craig had previously suggested that he might not be reprising the role after Spectre, but in another interview revealed that he was actually very much interested in seeing his contract with the franchise through. Speaking to the Daily Mail, Craig revealed that he had one more movie left in his contract.

"I work myself to death. It's getting harder. But such is life. I'll keep going as long as I'm physically able," he said. "I'm contracted for one more - but I'm not going to make predictions."

Craig did mention however how he was initially wary about his image as an actor when he signed on for the James Bond series.

'I remember saying, "If this is the last thing I do in my career, then that would be OK" because come on - it's not that bad a role to have under your belt," he said. "But after Casino Royale I panicked a little about people only seeing me a certain way and I started thinking, did I need to play someone totally opposite from Bond? But as time goes on, I've relaxed about that attitude.' 

Spectre will hit theaters in the US on Nov. 6.

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