The Holiday season is already here and the Santas are getting ready to ride. Now we all know how Santas and the elves are crazy about sweets.

As for this social media site, they have been providing the most shareable entertainment videos through the years. They produce daily viral contents that they also share and post on YouTube.

As for the American Santas, they are doing a taste-test of different sweets from different countries. First they tried the "Jeera Biscuits" from India which they find flaky and to have a crumbly sensation.

The next one they tried is the "Maple Cream Cookies from Canada," formed like a little maple leaf and has a "dramatic gram cracker aftertaste."

Third, they tried the "Tim Tams" from Australia. One Santa said it reminds him making chocolate cake with his grandmother. Aww. Another Santa described it as superb aftertaste.

And the last one is the "Bicho-bicho" from the Philippines which they said has the consistency of a doughnut.

Their final thoughts? They find them delicious and liked them all down to the very last bite.