Cam Newton is embracing fatherhood with a spiffy new shirt.

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On Sunday, sports anchor Paul Silvi tweeted a photo of the Panthers player as he was out on the field wearing a shirt that seemed to represent a father and a son. Both figures are pointing with one of them tall and the other short.

Cam Newton Explains How He Came Up With The Name 'Chosen'

For those who remember, the football athlete became a father over New Year's when his girlfriend Kia Proctor gave birth to their son, Chosen. In a previous post from USA Today, Newton explained the reason why he and Proctor came up with that name.

"I wanted something that would be masculine, but yet unique," Newton said. "I'm not a big fan of juniors and every person that I've had this conversation when I say, 'I don't want to have the pressure of him being a junior,' they reply, 'what the hell do you think Chosen's going to bring?'"

Newton announced the news of his baby on Twitter where he mentioned how excited he and Proctor are as well as why they decided to keep the news to themselves for a bit.