In episode 11 of Love & Hip Hop season 3, a big reveal emerged - Rich Dollaz convinced his on-and-off lover Tiffany to become friends with another woman he is seeing, model Erica Mena, in order to spy on her.

In the process, Mena and Tiffany begin their own romantic relationship.

In the first preview clip shown below, Tiffany told R&B singer Olivia that she became friends with Mena because Dollaz asked her to. He wanted to find out who else Mena was dating.

"I hung out with Erica, mmm...spying for Rich," Tiffany told Oliva. "It pretty much came down to I slept with Erica, I told him and he turns around sleeps with Erica."

Olivia said in her confessional, "I expect some foolishness from Rich, but this is just nasty." She then told Tiffany Dollaz is not monogamous.

"I'm gonna be brutally honest with you," Olivia told Tiffany. "Rich is not settling down with anyone, anytime soon."

Tiffany was visibly upset by the news and replied, "He'll settle down with me, okay?"

In the second preview clip for episode 11, Tiffany told Dollaz she got emotionally involved with Mena after the two became friends. She then she asked Dollaz to end his relationship with Mena so she could begin dating the model exclusively, because the whole love triangle was too much for her to handle. 

Tiffany admitted that she got involved "emotionally, physically in a situation with (Mena)." She said Mena had been calling her frequently and told her that she loved her.

"Where do I go from here? Tiffany asked Rich, to which he replied, "Yo, you need to wake up."

"Wake up from what? I didn't do all that sh*t for nothing," she told him.

Dollaz told Tiffany, "You did it for me."

"I did something probably no one else in the world would do for you," Tiffany said. "Right now I'm like 'I love you to death.' Granted, we're not together...but we rock. You know it. We got what we got, we do what we do. We'll always have what we have, Right? You know. But I'm not getting any appreciation.

"Watching're back with her, you think that is fair to me?" Tiffany asked him. "Im in too deep..," she told him. "I want you to stop f-cking with Erica. You know I'm on your team, always been. Be on my team. Show me what that what I did for you matters.

Viewers saw Dollaz break up with Mena in episode 7. Dollaz met up with Mena and told her they couldn't talk unless she agreed to sign a contract that outlined their business relationship.

"I'm taking you off the hook," Dollaz replied. "We can no longer move forward in our personal."

Love & Hip-Hop airs Mondays at 8/7c on VH1.

Watch the preview clip below of Tiffany telling Olivia about the love triangle here.

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Love & Hip Hop, Love and Hip Hop 3

Watch the preview clip of Tiffany asking Roch Dollaz to end his relationship with Erica Mena