The Amazing Race has been known in recent seasons for trying to surprise fans with the kinds of teams that have been participating, and season 29 could be one of the more shocking twists yet.

After season 26's teams that consisted of all dating couples, of which half were blind dates set up by the show, and season 28's social media influencers, season 29 could be one which further expands on the concept from the blind date season-with all individual racers.

A fan video shot while the show was filming (starting in L.A.) appears to suggest this, with images of individual racers (all as of yet unidentified) flashing across the screen as they race from a destination in the L.A. area, which was identified by the fan as the F&M Gallery Luggage shop in the video's caption.

The video shows what looks like teams of one (versus the usual teams of two), as each person runs towards the shop with their own camera man in tow. When coupled with the initial casting call which stated the show was looking for individual racers in addition to those with pre-existing relationships, it seems the show has thrown this new twist towards fans.

It is unclear if the show will then pair up the individual racers into teams similar to the former blind date ones, though it seems likely since the show often airs for a 10-12 week period, and individual teams throughout would require a larger number of airdates for individual eliminations.

As of now, the show does not have a specific airdate in the Fall on CBS, as it was left off the network's initial lineup, though it is expected to be rolled out at some other point during the season. It is unclear if it is being held off so it can take the place of newer programs if they wind up cancelled early on.