The first group that went undercover to help Sheriff Jamey Noel learn about what was really going on at the prison he locks criminals up in was helpful, but a new group has also gone undercover for 60 Days In, to continue the process of making the prison a better place.

Now, in a set of new photos provided by A&E, the identities of the cast have been entirely revealed, and we now know who we will be watching each week as they try to not only get valuable intel for Sheriff Jamey, but also survive in an environment where they could easily become victims with one wrong move.

The new volunteers will be:  


A 53-year-old retired police captain who now works as a private investigator and bounty hunter, who wants to see the other side to the jail experience


A 49-year-old mother who has an incaracerated daughter, she started a national support and advocacy group for parents of jailed children


A 24-year-old graduate student studying Criminology, Law and Society who wants to use his experience to help him with his career and his focus on helping teens in disadvantaged neighborhoods make their lives better.


A 25-year-old who wants to gain a better understanding of the incarceration process after believing his brother's experience damaged him 


A 39-year-old Department of Corrections attorney who works with the Internal Affairs office during their investigations


The wife of season one participant Zack, she wants to reinforce her own sobriety through the experience


A 27-year-old medic who previously enlisted in the Army Reserve and hopes to become a police officer


A 39-year-old former corrections officer and stay-at-home mom to three daughters who hopes the experience will give her valuable insight as she plans to return to work

60 Days In season 2 premieres August 18 on A&E.