There's a new HOH in the Big Brother 18 house, and it looks like the "Final 4" won't be the Final 4 after all.

Head of Household: Corey Brooks

Other houseguests: James Huling, Nicole Franzel, Paul Abrahamian and Victor Arroyo

Any hope Paul and Victor might have had for a Final 4 with Corey and Nicole seems to be lost. The HOH competition played out live on the feeds Thursday night, and Corey pretty much ran away with the victory. Soon after they entered the house, Corey and Nicole had a talk and confirmed that they wanted to split up Paul and Victor.

Of course, they did not tell Paul and Victor about this plan, opting to pretend like James is their target, but Corey was pretty dead set on nominating them directly. Nicole showed some hesitance considering she does not like confrontation, fearing that Paul might throw a fit and yell at her. Corey remained steadfast and said this was their best option of making it to the end.

Corey and Nicole spoke with James and proposed a Final 3 deal to him. Considering he has no other allies at this point, James accepted. James told Corey and Nicole that he would play dumb this week and make it seem like he's going home next.

As for which of Paul and Victor is the target, Corey and Nicole talked about Victor being much harder to beat in competitions, so assuming he doesn't win the Veto, it's looking like Victor will be going home next week. If Victor does win the Veto, Paul will be evicted. Only two people will be eligible to vote this week, and even if one of Paul or Victor wins Veto and goes off the block, Corey would nominate James, then Nicole would vote to evict Paul or Victor, Paul or Victor would vote to evict James, and Corey would break the tie and evict Paul or Victor.

The only real hope Paul and Victor might have is to present James with a better deal, then James wins the Veto and decides to take one of them down, forcing Corey to nominate Nicole. James and either Paul or Victor would then control the vote and evict Nicole.

Big Brother 18 airs another new episode Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.