Ever since Apple established itself firmly in the Smartphone industry, its biggest competitor had always been Samsung. Their competition has been seen going back on forth for many years now and with that competition come various other issues. 

On Tuesday on the 11th of October, 2016 the Supreme court justices gathered in order to reach some kind of conclusion and verdict on the lawsuit imposed upon Samsung by Apple. The baseline of the lawsuit involves the fact that Samsung copied the basic outline shape of an Iphone into their own Samsung Galaxy s7.

According to the International Business Times, Samsung allegedly copied the basic shape of an Iphone which involves things such as a rectangular shape with rounded edges. They also copied the silver lining on the edge which was patented in the iPhone's design. Finally there was also some talk regarding how Samsung also copied the display of sixteen icons. 

However, no decision has been made so far. In fact there is quite a lot of heated argument going about in this topic. For instance, Samsung representatives are trying their very hardest to reduce the $400 Million lawsuit by various means.

According to the LA Times, there have been massive arguments regarding the lawsuit and its capability. The suit is only regarding the basic exterior shape of the phones and has nothing to do with the inner features. This caused Samsung representatives to argue against Apple suing them on the full scale of the phone.

The reason for this is quite simple. They say that the shape and style of the phone has very little to do with why people buy the phone. They argue that people buy the phone because of the phone's inner features and so they cannot be sued for the entire phone's profit if only a certain aspect of it is infringing patents. 

The court currently states that it will take quite a few months to reach a proper conclusion.