Ukranian model Valeria Lukyanova, also known as the Human Barbie doll, has reportedly been starving herself on a new lifestyle, and according to the latest reports, she is hoping the move will make her into some sort of spiritual leader.

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Lukyanova recently told International Business Times that she is practicing "Breatharianism," a lifestyle where one survives only on light and air.

"In recent weeks, I have not been hungry at all," Lukyanova said. "I am hoping it is the final stage before I can subsist on light and air alone."

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As dangerous as this lifestyle seems, a proponent of Breatharianism called Jamusheen pointed out that there is a powerful vibe in this practice.

"The capacity to live on light is related directly to our body's ability to absorb, attract and radiate Divine Love which is determined by our lifestyle," the site wrote. "When we are well tuned and body fit, we can access an inner power that has the ability to guide us, love us and also nourish our cells."

If Lukyanova can actually survive and release an inner power on this way of living, then her perspective on the outer world could potentially turn her into a holy being or "demi-god."

"The aim of my life is to come to this planet to help people realize that it is necessary to move from a 'human consumer' to a 'human demi-god,'" Lukyanova said in a VICE documentary. "Everything is love and love is God. I am you and you are me."