Valeria Lukyanova, the Ukranian model who is famously known for her nearly identical appearance to Barbie, is currently practicing a lifestyle with no food.

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The model recently revealed in a February interview with International Business Times that she is following a diet called "Breatharianism," which is feeding off of only light and air.

"In recent weeks I have not been hungry at all," Lukyanova said. "I'm hoping it's the final stage before I can subsist on air and light alone."

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As bizarre and dangerous as this lifestyle may sound, some insist there are benefits in the practice, including Jamusheen, a proponent of Breatharianism.

"The capacity to live on light is directly related to our ability to attract, absorb and radiate Divine Love which is determined by our lifestyle," the site wrote. "When we are well tuned and four body fit, we can access an inner power, which has the ability to love us, guide us, heal us and also nourish our cells."

Lukyanova's diet isn't the only aspect of her life that's controversial. She also appeared in a VICE documentary where she expressed some unusual thoughts. 

"The aim of my life is to come to this planet to help people to realize that it is necessary to move from the role of the 'human consumer' to the role of 'human demi-god,'" the model said in the documentary. "...Everything is love, love is God. I am you, and you are me."