With the massive popularity and money coming from the brand, it would be tough to see star Robert Downey Jr. walking away from Iron Man anytime soon. But could the wait for the next standalone featuring the hero be a relatively long one?

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In a recent interview with Collider, Marvel head Kevin Feige talked about when fans could see the next Iron Man movie and whether Downey Jr. was on board.

"Of course anything's a possibility. Who the heck knows? We have a lot of work to go to finish Avengers 2. We have a lot of work for whatever Avengers 3 is, that's all folks need to know. Who knows what happens after that," Feige said.

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Feige's comments suggest that Iron Man 4 may come after both Avengers 2 and 3, which could be a wait going as far as 2018 or 2019, depending on where the studio sets the third Avengers movie.

Downey Jr. also talked with Entertainment Weekly about coming back for a standalone movie and seemed to be more behind the idea than before.

"It's down to Kevin [Feige] and Ike [Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel Entertainment] and Disney to come to us with what the proposal is, and that's on us to agree or disagree," Downey Jr. said. "When things are going great, there's a lot of agreement."

But he added that he isn't too keen on completely giving up the role anytime soon.

"It's that thing of: 'Why give up the belt when it feels like you can barely get jabbed?'" he said. "Most people are saying that right when they get knocked out."

Iron Man will next be seen in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, which opens next May.