For anyone who's been wondering if Greer would stick around Chasing Life or not, it turns out that she won't be leaving anytime soon.

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Even though she'll still be on the show, it doesn't necessarily mean that she and Brenna will be together. On Monday, After Ellen posted an interview with executive producer Joni Lefkowitz who made it clear that Greer will still very much be a part of the series and will even have a bigger storyline.

"You'll see in Season 1B, Greer is going to have a lot more to do," Lefkowitz said. "She'll be around for most of the season, regardless of whether she and Brenna are together. She'll have more colors and she won't be quite so...she won't be quite such a perfect cookie cutter either."

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The producer also pointed out that the two girls will likely take on a love story that might have to remain hidden from everyone. Whether they make their love for each other public or not, some form of it will still be there.

"I think we've said, they're going to kind of be the Juliet and Juliet in the beginning," Lefkowitz said. "It's more about when you're a teenager and how your parents kind of determine who you can spend time with and how they'll try to get around that. I don't want to give away what happens romantically, but their relationship will survive through this season in some form whether it's friendship or romantic."

Chasing Life is expected to return in December on ABC Family.