While he has made the role of Professor Xavier his own in the last two movies, James McAvoy will finally be catching up with his predecessor, Patrick Stewart, in one area.

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Speaking with The Huffington Post on Thursday, McAvoy talked about his limited knowledge on what will happen in the next X-Men movie, but his knowledge of the hair loss that he is facing.

"I have no idea what's going on. I think I'm losing my hair finally. And in the movie. And, yeah, that's kind of all I know," McAvoy said.

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"I got an email from the Simon Kinberg, our producer/writer extraordinare, who informed me he was getting dead excited about stuff, but he didn't want to divulge anything for a couple of weeks, so I really don't know. But It seems fairly global, if we're talking apocalypse, maybe it's just the character's name but I think the nature of the movie will be fairly apocalyptic."

It is about the right spot in the timeline for a man to go bald so it makes sense that Xavier would be begin to do that in this movie. McAvoy didn't say much about the movie, but there have been rumors that his character could be dead at some point in the movie.

McAvoy will be joined by previous cast members Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Hugh Jackman and Evan Peters. It is also rumored that more older cast members could show up again.

X-Men: Apocalypse is set to open in theaters on May 27, 2016.