It has been hinted that clones could become a part of the next chapter in the Spider-Man series, but what characters could be affected by it and will some return from the dead?

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While some rumors have surfaced that the plot of the third movie could center around the Clone Saga with Gwen Stacy and Richard Parker returning from the dead, it is also possible that another Spider-Man could appear during the movie and cause problems for Peter Parker.

In the comics, The Jackal was the secret identity of Gwen and Peter's biology professor Miles Warren, who could not cope with the death of his secret love, Gwen. As an expert on cloning, he creates clones of both Gwen and Peter, discovering Peter is Spider-Man as a result. Jackal blames Spider-Man for Gwen's death and wants to kill him.

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The Jackal kidnaps Spider-Man and forces him to fight his clone. Both men believe they are the real Peter Parker. The two Spider-Men soon decide to work together, but one is seemingly killed by the same bomb that kills the Jackal. The surviving Spider-Man determines he is the original because he is in love with Mary Jane Watson, which did not happen until after Prof. Warren created the clone.

Spider-Man drops the body of the clone into an incinerator. Gwen Stacy's clone disappears to find a new life for herself.

While this storyline would work as a way to bring together the sub-plot of Peter and his parents as well as bring Emma Stone back to the series, it would also create a weird new direction that hasn't been seen in the Spider-Man movies.