Jimmy Novak's daughter will return to Supernatural, and, unfortunately, life has not treated her well since Castiel decided to use her father as his meat suit.

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The series will pickup with a 17-year-old Claire Novak who will be living in foster care following the disappearance of her mother and the "death" of her father, according to E!.

Previously played by Sydney Imbeau during season 4's "The Rapture," Claire is now described as "punk-rock-pretty," always in trouble, and prone to bouncing from foster home to foster home. When Jimmy Novak (Misha Collins) begged Castiel (Misha Collins) to take him as his vessel instead of his daughter, he was probably hoping his offspring would have a happier life than she currently has.

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It seems like Claire could use a little help from Team Free Will, particularly if she wants to find her mother. Hopefully Mrs. Novak hasn't been swept off by one of Cas' many enemies.

Find out more when Supernatural returns to The CW on Oct. 7 at 9 p.m. ET. Click the video below to see a preview for season 10, which will kick off with "Black."