Constantine is battling demons and ratings, trying to find its niche in a growing market of primetime's comic book adaptations.

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As the NBC series' fate remains up in the air, the freshman program faces competition from DC's other super powered dramas - Arrow, Flash, and Gotham - as well as Marvel's Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter. According to Matt Ryan, the man behind John Constantine, the 13-episode program provides an everyman quality the other series' lack.

"This is a different kind of genre of comic book show, that's what makes it unique. Constantine's not a superhero, he's a working class anti-hero, he's a man's man," Ryan told The Mirror.

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Meanwhile, Ryan believes the network series attacks a different type of viewer than its CW counterparts, Arrow and Flash. Geared more to the teen set, the speedster and archer have a slightly lighter touch.

"In terms of the audience as well, The Flash and Arrow have a different kind of audience to what we're going for," Ryan explained to The Mirror. "Hopefully there is a big enough audience for the show to continue."

Catch up with the Hellblazer hero when Constantine returns to NBC on Jan. 16. Click the video below to see if a preview for the series' next episode, "The Saint of Last Resorts: Part 2."