While everyone else in the house has been focused more on hook-ups and trying to figure out their messy love lives, Karynda has her attention focused on just having a good time on Party Down South 2.

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Though she was hoping to also have a hook-up at some point, Karynda has since changed her tune and is just enjoying herself on the group's nights out-but she may take things too far in a preview clip for the Jan. 15 episode, Fishin' For Trouble.

"It's just a great night. There's great music," she says in the clip. "I put makeup on for the reason of dancing my face off. Get it?"

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Sure enough, the roommate probably best noted for her hilarious dance moves starts busting it out on the floor-complete will full body shakes and expressive faces-all while guzzling down drink after drink-resulting in her getting blackout drunk.

"Karynda's actually been kicked out of the place," Hunter says in the clip. "So you know, we need to get this girl home."

Unfortunately, trying to get her home proves to be a struggle for him, Bradley and Raven-who are tasked with getting her back in the house and into bed. She winds up collapsing on the lawn and warning the guys that she needs to pee-but they want to get her inside first and try picking her up.

"I can carry Barbie up the stairs, but Karynda's like four Barbies, so I don't know how we gonna get this girl upstairs," Bradley notes.

Suddenly, the attempt takes a bit more of an unexpected turn-after Karynda falls back down, squats, and begins to pee on the lawn-and unfortunately for Bradley, he doesn't manage to get his hand out of the way on time.

"Oh my god...Karynda hunks her butt there, and starts pissing all over my hand," Bradley says. "I'm like oh my god, you're gross!"

Finally, after a failed attempt to get her onto the hammock, they manage to get her settled-on the outdoor couch, where they leave her to sleep it off.

Party Down South 2 airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on CMT.