Thursday night's new episode of Scandal could reveal some of the character's most scandalous secrets and based on the sneak peek, no one is safe.

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In the new episode, The Testimony of Diego Munoz, Olivia Pope struggles to get back to work after dealing with the circumstances surrounding her kidnapping. Liv is suffering from a serious case of PTSD and when Cryus Beene calls her for help, she tells him that she's not handling his problems.

During the new episode, David Rosen, the US Attorney General, gets a surprise from an unknown visitor who is ready to exploit BG13 and possibly send Liv and her gladiators to prison and bring down the entire U.S. Government, including the President.

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Jake, Huck and Quinn are set to work around the clock to find a way to get Rosen to drop the case. If the files are revealed, they would expose some of D.C.'s most scandalous secrets that could bring danger to the republic.

In an extended sneak peek clip, Liv needs the team to find the body of her old neighbor Louis Moore, the one whose apartment was used as a safe camp for the kidnappers.

Meanwhile, Huck has to deal with issues of his own, or one his biggest secrets could land him in some serious trouble.

Scandal airs every Thursday night at 9 p.m. on ABC. Viewers can watch an extended preview of Thursday night's new episode in the video below.