Amateur and professional stargazers, starting Wednesday, April 22, you can view the stunning fireballs produced by the annual Lyrid Meteor Shower via live stream courtesy of Slooh, an online community observatory.

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This year's meteor shower began running its course on April 16 and will conclude its spectacular show in the sky on this upcoming Saturday, April 25.

Slooh released a statement explaining that this year's meteor shower would be more profound since its peak, which is present-time into tomorrow morning, April 23, during the early hours, is happening during a waxing crescent moon, which allows for a darker sky and more vibrant fireballs.

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Slooh is broadcasting the Lyrid Meteor Shower this year beginning at 8 p.m. ET tonight, which you can check out below.

During the stream, Slooh astronomers Bob Berman and Will Gater will be chatting about the meteor shower along with Slooh host Eric Edelman.

"This should be an exciting experience," Berman noted especially given the type of moon present and the number of fireballs produced during its peak time, which Slooh's website revealed to be "10-20 meteors per hour."

The live stream is showing visuals from "a newly installed, low light camera at the Slooh Canary Islands Observatory" found in Spain.

Slooh will also "be broadcasting live telescope views of different comets throughout the night, as a throwback to the origin story of meteor showers."

Slooh's website noted that the meteors should be able to be seen all over the world, but favoritism is with European countries getting the most clear view of them.

Happy stargazing!