It looks as though not everyone is buying Abby Lee Miller's latest story about her weight loss journey. Even though the Dance Moms star has recently dropped four dress sizes without the help of a diet or exercise regime, many fans are questioning whether or not she is telling the truth or if she might possibly be suffering from an eating disorder.

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According to People Magazine on Wednesday, Miller said that while filming Dance Moms in Australia last year, she ran out of diabetes medication which resulted in her getting horribly sick.

"I had to get a prescription refilled - lo and behold, there's something different about that prescription in Australia," says Miller. "I would take this medicine and within an hour, I was vomiting like I was in fourth grade and had the flu or like I had food poisoning. It was awful. After I would throw up, I couldn't even look at food for the rest of the day."

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"So that is how I lost the weight," she continued. "There's no diet, there's no exercise, there's no this, there's no that."

Unfortunately, many of her fans are finding this story hard to believe.

One commenter wrote, "This is not weight loss. This is an eating disorder. I can't believe People magazine is endorsing bulimia as a viable weight loss process. Its despicable and horrifically inappropriate," along with, ", she vomited until she never wanted to eat again? Is that her weight loss method? I don't get it. She just doesn't eat anymore??"

Another fan said, "So she lost the weight by starving herself and puking? And she is in charge of young dancers?!"

So far Miller has not responded to any of the criticism.