It appears that people involved in advertisements for Subway may have known about Jared Fogle's sexual interest in children.

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According to USA Today on Friday, executives in Subway's advertising unit may have had knowledge in the spokesperson's frightening interest with minors as far back as 2008. Cindy Mills, who ran a Subway restaurant franchise in Florida, apparently claimed that she tried to contact executives about the situation after Fogle supposedly discussed it with her.

The site, which got its report from Business Insider, mentioned that Mills said she had an affair with Fogle after meeting him at a Subway event. While this was happening, Fogle allegedly told Mills that he had sexual encounters with prostitutes as young as nine-years-old. She said that she shared her concerns with Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust at an event.

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It was then stated that she didn't go to the police because she was afraid of Fogle's money and power.

Mills' lawyer stated that she didn't do a follow-up interview because she didn't intend for the article to be about her conversations with the executives.

"She's not at all interested in being out there in public on this angle. There's no benefit to her," Mills' attorney Robert Beasley said. "It's not her goal to get into the Subway angle of this."

Beasley confirmed that Mills told Subway's ad executives about Fogle's sexual interest in children so they could "be relieved of the advertising obligation."

"She couldn't stand looking at Jared knowing what she knew about him," Beasley said.