Most of us follow the gorgeous Instagram accounts of celebrities and influencers with tens of thousands of followers. Sometimes we all wonder how did they get such a broad audience? Leaving aside the actual cinema or music stars, who already have a huge fan base, we still have tons of relatively ordinary people who ascended to stardom in mere months. Today some of them are sharing their secrets and tips with you!

Emily Roberts (@thelipstickfever), a fashion and beauty blogger, isn't a stunning beauty only, but also a perfectionist. Her main secret is to prefer quality over quantity. Of course, she is a beauty influencer, so Emily has to be the icon of good looks, but it works for any type of content you produce. Consistency is very important, truly, but it's much better to post something genuinely stunning once or twice a week than daily but not so perfect posts. The photos and videos made on the run, backstage glimpses, and other stuff that shows people a bit of your life may be shared in the Stories.

Nic and Nat (@sneakymommies), the duo that creates and cooks incredible healthy meals for the entire family, gives the more down to earth advice: to stay yourself, be authentic and honest about both your online and offline identities. It is hard to apply to the fashion and beauty industry, where the main goal is to change yourself, but staying faithful to your brand is the key factor for this brand's success. You can't do great things you don't love, something that doesn't tap on your inner truth. Sincerity is greatly appreciated and welcomed by the audience, both online and offline, and believe us, your followers will feel it. Also, like popular bloggers use special services like AppSally to bring more followers, as it's hard to start from scratch.

Morgan Raphael (@bun_undone), a wellness instructor and life coach, agrees to Nic's and Nat's advice. The only niche that is guaranteed to be free is your passion, your real inner self, and your style. You are a unique person. There is no one in the world like you. You only need to show your colors, find what makes you awesome, and not to be shy demonstrating it. Remember that the main hero of your Instagram account is you. Your photos and your videos are your brands, so it's both practical and pleasant to stay yourself.

Chelsea Martin (@passporttofriday), a travel and adventure blogger names staying faithful to your brand the first and foremost quality, urging the influencers-to-be not to agree to any collaboration they are offered. Your loyalty to your own brand turns into the audience's loyalty to you. Many new influencers have just lost their charm and individuality through collaboration with a bigger brand that consumed them. Choosing to walk your way on your own, at least at the beginning, is much harder, but it's worth it. It will add meaning and value to what you are doing.

Nicole Loher (@nicoleloher), former beauty influencer and now a triathlon athlete and another fitness instructor, tells the story about staying flexible and still true to yourself even if your brand grows and changes shape. Your brand, and even more so - personal brand, is a reflection of your own life that goes further. You become a different person with time, so does your Instagram. Don't try to hold yourself back just because your brand demands you to. Let your audience walk with you all the way to your new self, seeing you changing, growing, and becoming better. Sometimes the best way to stay authentic to your brand is to change it.

Puno (@punodostres), an entrepreneur who collaborates with various local brands, offers you to do the same. When you are just starting, it is wise to search for the brands that are on the same step as you are and go ahead together. You may start creating paid content simply by giving sincere feedback to the products of small local brands, show yourself using them, or creating interesting projects in collaboration. You will share your audiences and, technically, become more visible on Instagram because you will constantly tag each other.

Jackson and Graham Buoy (@thebrothersbuoy) give much more practical advice: to invest in the equipment you use to create content. Even the best skill won't give the perfect result with a mediocre camera. You don't have to use top-notch devices and don't have to be a professional photographer, but taking a course here and improving your camera there may improve your content a whole lot.

As you can see, all this advice is based on personal experience and personal success stories. You don't have to use all these suggestions, because you are unique, as is your own way and story. But we do hope that at least these cases will serve as an inspiration to the new aspiring Instagram stars.