The majority of people give up on their dreams midway, believing it is their fate. This attitude usually persists because it is easier to blame fate if things do not go as planned than to question one's own actions. Many turn a blind eye toward their strategies and course of action and remain content with the outcome citing 'fate.' Unfortunately, this is common among those who do not wish to strive to turn their dreams into reality. They use their weaknesses or differences as an excuse for not trying hard enough. Such people tend to give up on the slightest inconvenience they encounter on their journey, looking upon it as a 'sign.' They fail to understand that these inconveniences in the form of failures are not setbacks but rather stepping stones towards success. One has to overcome many challenges and even face multiple failures to achieve their goals and live their dreams. With a strong will, determination, and headstrongness, one can achieve anything they set their minds to. All one needs is to believe in their capabilities, embrace their differences, and have clear goals of what they want from life.

One individual who became a notable influence while living with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is author-extraordinaire Xayley Rose.

An American young adult author, Xayley Rose, writes novels about different life prospects. She was diagnosed with autism when she was twenty-two years old. Autism affects an individual's neurological system, where their brains may work differently. It falls under the term neurodiversity. For Rose, this condition did not stop her. She did not let her diagnosis prevent her from forging forward. The Atlanta-based author became a passionate writer and crafted stories revolving around friendship, relationship, sacrifice, and life.

Xayley Rose's ability to create stories that move people gives an idea of how her mind works. She demonstrates the unique ability to be raw, unfiltered, and authentic, qualities that make great authors regardless of their neurodiversity label. According to a study, people with autism display higher levels of creativity, showing that they do not actually have learning disabilities but are differently abled.

Another study showed that people on the spectrum are far more likely to suggest creative solutions for complex problems than those without autism. Experts claim that autistic traits are directly related to unusually-brilliant ideas. So, in the light of day, it may seem like the socially crippling traits of autism may cause obstacles for individuals to get jobs, but their creative abilities still stand out. 

Autism has risen steadily since studies began in the early 2000s, but the yearly rise has been outrageous. Most experts have sparked fears of an autism epidemic, mainly because there's no brain scan or blood test that could diagnose autism. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why it has grown significantly higher in the last few years. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that around 1 in 59 children in the country are diagnosed with autism, with girls being misdiagnosed or diagnosed at a much later age most frequently. 

Xayley Rose currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice, but her true talent indeed lay in writing. Her creativity is quite visible in her artwork. Above all, she loves to spend time with her family, including her tuxedo cat. In hindsight, Xayley Rose is a remarkable author with autism, but looking at the bigger picture, she's just a girl who never let obstacles get in her way. Instead, she stood tall, rose to the occasion, and has shown that autism will neither limit nor define who she is as a person and author. Xayley Rose, the author of My Other Half, is inspiring the masses, convincing them that with a strong will and belief in themselves, they can achieve their goals in life and turn their dreams into a reality.