A pair of tortoises that have been together for over 100 years can not stand each other anymore. The two tortoises have reportedly been together for 115 years but it seems that they no longer can tolerate being in the same room. The Austrian Times reports that the two reptiles have been living at the Reptilian Zoo Happ in Klaganfurt, Austria for 36 years. Before relocating to Austria, they lived at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland.

The zoo's director Helga Happ told the Austrian Times: "We get the feeling they can't stand the sight of each other anymore. They are both 115 years old - they have been together since they were young and grew up together, eventually becoming a pair."

Happ says he noticed Bibi had become increasingly violent recently. She apparently bit off a chunk of Poldi's shell and attacked him several times, forcing zoo staff to intervene and separate the two giant tortoises.

So it seems that Bibi (female) and Poldi (male) are headed for divorce! But the staff at the zoo are trying to get them back on friendly terms. They even set a romantic meal setting for them - which they were having none of.

Happ continued: "We have staff talking to and trying to engage the two in interacting, and we hope that they might find their harmony again. We were told that it's very rare that after so many years animals who are a pair will fall apart, but that's where we are. We hope though we can bring round a reconciliation."
Tortoises can live up to 150 years.