
'Fifty Shades of Grey' Movie Casting: E.L. James Responds To Ryan Gosling Buzz

The film adaptation of the E.L. James sexy novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" continues to create buzz over who will ultimately be given the role of billionaire Christian Grey. "Gangster Squad's" Ryan Gosling is currently one of the names being voiced as a fan favorite. To add to fuel to the racy fire, the husband of the author seemingly slipped that the A-list actor is a preference for the edgy part.

Justin Bieber Sick On Stage, Carries on Singing

No performer is perfect, and Justin Bieber is no exception. The 18-year-old heartthrob grew sick while performing in Glendale, Arizona on Sept. 29. Bieber turned his back to the audience while singing "Out of Town Girl," hunched over, puked and ran off the stage.

Rushdie Says Writers Losing Influence in West

Salman Rushdie believes literature has lost much of its influence in the West, and movie stars like George Clooney and Angelina Jolie have taken the place of Susan Sontag and Norman Mailer when it comes to addressing the big issues.

Rowling's Adult Novel Lacks Magic, Some Critics Say

J.K. Rowling's first foray into adult fiction was bound to be compared to her wildly successful Harry Potter series, and, while "The Casual Vacancy" has earned mixed reviews, for some critics the magic has worn off.
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