Switched at Birth might delve into one of the most controversial subjects to ever exist.

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On Friday, Zap 2 It shared an interview with series creator Lizzy Weiss who opened up on the pregnancy storyline between Toby and Lily. While it came as unexpected news that Toby got Lily pregnant, something else came with that- it turns out the unborn child has been diagnosed with Down syndrome.

So what does this mean? Are Toby and Lily going to end up becoming parents and have to learn about Down syndrome? Or will the series cause a big debate on the subject of abortion?

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"I am not pushing either agenda," Weiss said. "That's one of the things I want to make clear on any conversation I have about this story. This is not to push one side or the other. It's a decision that these two characters are making at this moment in the time. That doesn't mean it's better or worse than other people's decisions."

The characters on the show will get into a debate, which isn't too uncommon for this series. There have been plenty of controversial topics in previous episodes so each person should have his or her own thought.

"We've had a lot of stories like gun control issues between John and Regina, arguments about cochlear implants in the deaf community, the campus assault story," Weiss explained. "And my goal is always to make every character as smart as possible, to never patronize and let everyone speak for themselves as intelligently as possible from their point of view."

Switched at Birth airs on Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC Family.