What's going to happen between Narcisse and Catherine if Francis is the next one to go on Reign?

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On Friday, Entertainment Weekly updated its spoiler chat where showrunner Laurie McCarthy gave some details on what fans can expect. As it turns out, Narcisse and Catherine will have a reason to come together if Francis dies.

"[Francis' death] shifts the power dynamic at court between Narcisse and Catherine," McCarthy said. "There's going to be a huge battle for the regency coming up and a blossoming relationship between Catherine and Narcisse because his ambition is going to be awakened again."

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This also leaves questions for Narcisse and Lola's marriage as well as what the man really cares about when it comes to romance and being in charge.

When it comes to the end of certain relationships on the royal drama, one pair that fans can probably have less hope for is Leith and Greer. Jonathan Keltz (Leith) previously spoke to No White Noise about why these two will probably never get back together.

"Greer is very committed to her career path and her business and being the independent woman she now is. Leith is, although in a very new stage in his life, still committed to wanting a traditional and conventional family that he imagines for himself," Keltz noted. "I don't know if I see the two of them compromising on those two visions and dreams anytime soon. We may have seen the end of Greith."

Reign airs on Fridays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.