WayHaught is in the books!

Wynonna Earp has paired up Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) and Officer Haught (Katherine Barrell), thus legitimizing one of television's most epic 'ship names. It was make out session nine episodes in the making, but, considering the relative life span in Purgatory, fans should get too complacent.

"We can reiterate that no one in Purgatory is safe from heartbreak or physical pain," Barrell told TV Junkies. "The world that these characters are dealing with is an extremely dangerous place and will continue to be so for them. Nobody is safe on the show."

That being said, both Haught and Waverly have proved they're more than capable of taking care of themselves, revenants or not. The pair jumped into the Wyatt Earp mystery headfirst, barely letting the intense insanity of their situation slow their stride. For Waverly, Purgatory's sudden upheaval proved just the catalyst she needed to take a few personal risks.

"When you're growing up and you think your life is going to turn out a certain way, and things are going in one direction, but these curve balls come in. It shakes you up and you need to work out how you're going to fit into all that," Provost-Chalkley explained. "So this isn't just about Nicole, it's about the fact that everything is changing and she doesn't know how to cope with it. That's the catalyst to her then going 'you know what? I'm just going to go for it, and it might be the worst decision I've ever made in my life, and I'm terrified and excited.'"

Did Waverly make the right choice? From the events of "Bury Me With My Guns On," it certainly seems like it!

Find out what's next for WayHaught, Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano), and the rest of Purgatory when Wynonna Earp airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET on Syfy. Click the video below to see a preview for the series' next episode, "She Wouldn't Be Gone."