It's going to be quite the battle as Terminator: Genesis goes up against two other popular franchise sequels in the summer of 2015.

Why Terminator 5: Genesis Will Be Very Different from the Other Films in the Franchise 

The fifth installment in the iconic sci-fi franchise will face the heat from Jurassic World and Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Terminator 5 will hit theaters on July 1 2015 and the release of Avengers will precede it in May. Jurassic World will hit theaters on June 12.

While the Terminator franchise has a cult legacy, Jurassic Park is also a major blockbuster franchise and it has another USP, it appeals to viewers of all age groups. As the films are releasing a bit before Terminator they might also get a bit of a boost from the time advantage. While the Avengers franchise is still young it resonates more with the new generation. Also, the last two films in the Terminator franchise didn't fare too well, so a lot of hopes are being pinned on this one. Only time will tell if the Arnold Schwarzenegger starrer will terminate the competition.

Terminator: Genesis to Conflate Plots of The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day?   

In a recent interview, director James Cameron, who directed the first Terminator, even dissed Terminator 3 and 4.

"I don't think that the 3rd or 4th film lived up to that potential. Sarah Connor Chronicles I never really watched much of it, so I never gave it a chance I get to get hooked, like you have to with a TV series," he said. "I'm hopeful that the new films, which are being made right now as a reboot, but still involving Arnold [Schwarzenegger], will be good. From what I've seen from afar, it looks like they will be quite good."

Sarah Connor and Kyle Get Arrested As They Time Travel to 2017     

Watch a trailer of The Terminator: