While the first Avatar movie was a game changing experience at the theater that spearheaded some of the more recent uses of 3D in movies, it seems like the sequels could be using another technology that could have the same impact on films.

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The Hollywood Reporter interviewed inventor Douglas Trumball on Monday and he spoke about getting the Avatar sequels to use the high frame rate (HFR) technology and why, those films especially, should use it.

"I know that Cameron admired Showscan [Trumbull's earlier invention of a large-format high-frame rate projection system] and that he is a huge advocate of high frame rates [HFRs]," Trumbull said. "The use of HFRs for Avatar would be very appropriate and very successful."

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While Cameron has yet to see what the cameras can do, it seems like Trumball is working with producer Jon Landau about showing Cameron a film that uses the technology.

"I don't know if Cameron is interested [in using MAGI for the Avatar sequels]. He's in seclusion writing the screenplay for Avatar," Trumball said. "I am talking to Jon Landau, and we plan to have a screening [of UFOTOG] soon."

The technology that Trumball spoke about is called MAGI and is a technique that involves shooting 4K 3D, shooting 60 fps with alternate shutter speeds. This alignment means that when played back through a standard 3D theatrical projector, the picture is delivered in sync with the system's alternating left eye, right eye cadence.

"It delivers extreme fluidity of motion and amazing clarity with no strobing, no double flickering and a viewing experience that far exceeds conventional movie quality," said Trumbull.

If the Avatar sequels use this, it is predicted to surpass The Hobbit movies and the HFR that those films pioneered with.