As the line-up for the Sinister Six movie begins to take shape, one name that has been confirmed is the villain Mysterio. While he hasn't been on film yet, the famous Spider-Man villain will debut in the team-up and could give Spider-Man some trouble with his creations.

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During his time with the Sinister Six, Mysterio works with Doctor Octopus on ways to stop Spider-Man with one being the creation of a team of robots that resemble the X-Men.

In the comics, after several failed attempts at the webslinger's life, Mysterio accepted Dr. Octopus' invitation to join the Sinister Six, a group of malcontents each with their own grudge against Spider-Man. As part of this team of evil doer's, it was Mysterio's job to construct robotic replicas of the X-Men to subdue Spidey.

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But Spider-Man quickly realized that he wasn't fighting his old allies and used his spider-sense to find Mysterio's remote control room and defeated him yet again.

While using the X-Men wouldn't work because of copyright, having a clone army could be something that Mysterio does, but with maybe a different subject. Maybe the clones could be other members of the Sinister Six or be friends of Spider-Man.

The idea of clones showing up in The Amazing Spider-Man 3 have been teased and this technology could be the tie between the films.

Sinister Six is directed by Drew Goddard and is set to open in theaters on November 6, 2016.