Haven's Duke Crocker season 5A journey certainly had fans questioning the smuggler's allegiances, but the finale cemented the former criminal's dedication to his hometown.

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Duke (Eric Balfour) made a host of questionable calls over the last 13 episodes, chief of which was choosing to hop under the sheets with the Haven's biggest troublemaker. Despite this, Duke was actually laying down track to run Audrey's other half out of town - be it through a thinny or in a coffin.

If "Chosen" failed to clear matters up, viewers need look no further than Balfour's tweets to understand Crocker's motivation.

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"I think it's one of the things people misunderstand most. Duke didn't want to help Mara, he just thought it was the only way to save #Haven," Crocker wrote on Friday. "Everything Duke's done in S5 has been 4the greater good even if it's meant being alone and ostracized by his friends. Very different from [season] 1."

Unfortunately for Duke, learning to care about someone other than himself has put him in a less than enviable position. Dr. Cross and Audrey failed to turn off Mara's Duke Crocker-shaped trouble time bomb, and Duke is now literally leaking troubles.

It seems Haven is in for quite a shakeup, but fans will have to wait until 2015 to find out more. Syfy has yet to announce the premiere date for the second half of the 26-episode order that is set to complete filming this month.

Click the video below to see a preview for the series' latest episode.