There was a recent rumor that a Star Wars fan favorite might be killed off in Episode VII. But does that mean this character will get his very own film?

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On Sunday, Metro posted the details from The Sun. Apparently, there might be an upcoming film solely focused on Han Solo that will be about how he got the Millenium Falcon and how he fell out with Jabba the Hutt.

If Han does get his own spinoff movie, then rumor has it that it won't be Harrison Ford to reprise the role. The part might go to Kingsman actor Taron Egerton.

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The site said that the potential flick could take place between Episode III from 2005 and Star Wars from 1977 so it would have the character be in his younger years.

This has yet to be confirmed, but if the rumor about Han being killed off in Episode VII turns out to be true, then a spinoff would make sense.

In a previous interview with BBC, director J.J. Abrams admitted that some gossip about the anticipated flick will indeed happen.

"There are a ton of rumors- some true, some false," Abrams said. "But I'm grateful for everyone who would want to read a spoiler because it means that they care and want to see the movie."

Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens will be coming to theaters on December 18.