There's less than a week before Call the Midwife returns to the United States and fans are going to want to brace themselves for how things turn out in the new season.

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On Monday, the series' Twitter page re-tweeted some posts from fans who only had nice things to say about the upcoming finale in the fourth season.

One person wrote, "Recently watched @CallTheMidwife1 S4 finale & was excellent as always. Great cast! @helen_george as Trixie was so touching. Roll on S5!"

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Another user mentioned that the finale will definitely hit a spot that will emotionally impact viewers.

"#callthemidwife could the season finale have been any more heart wrenching? One of the best drama series ever on TV," the tweet says.

In an interview with Science Festival, Stephen McGann (Patrick Turner) talked about how he knew the show would become a massive success.

"We knew it was good when we did our first birth scene," the actor said. "Everybody in the room cried- burly camera operators as well as the actors! It was moving and compelling. But nobody had any idea just how much the series would catch the public's imagination. We continue to be overwhelmed by the worldwide response."

McGann also gave the impression that more science could be added to the series since that's an important benefit to him.

"As Professor Brian Cox has argued, there should be no part of public life from which science is considered absent or irrelevant," the actor said. "Why should it be?"

Call the Midwife Season 4 will air in the United States on Sunday, March 29 at 8 p.m. ET on PBS.