No one can seem to figure out just who he really is, but Jake (Billy Miller) could start getting closer to the truth about his real identity on General Hospital.

Laura Stunned By Nikolas' Confession

He has been after answers about his past since the minute he woke up in Port Charles, but has turned up short every time he has gotten close to the truth--causing him anguish over the fact that he has no clue about what happened in his former life. However, as he and Michael (Chad Duell) continue to work together in an attempt to find out what Nikolas (Tyler Christopher) is hiding, they will realize there's a chance he actually knows the truth about Jake's identity.

"Have you considered the possibility that Nikolas knows who you really are?" Michael asks Jake in a preview clip for the Wednesday, July 29 episode.

Nikolas Tells Lucky The Truth

The two may realize that Nikolas has as good of a chance as anyone at identifying Jake because he could very well know everything about Helena's (Constance Towers) plot and scheme. As such, they will potentially begin investigating whatever they can to figure out if it's the secret that can destroy Nikolas.

What Jake doesn't know however is that Nikolas is indeed aware that he is Jason Morgan back from the dead--but he isn't the only person in Port Charles with the information. He has told the truth to Lucky (Jonathan Jackson), who left town, and Laura (Genie Francis). However, the person who, if Jake does learn the truth, will shock him the most by having kept the secret for so long is Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst).

General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 3 p.m. on ABC.