They've only just begun their experiment where they go undercover in the Clark County Correctional jail to expose what conditions are really like, but one of the volunteers on A&E's 60 Days In could already be in major trouble and extreme danger.

Robert, a teacher trying to use the experience to teach his students how to make better choices, is already causing concern for Sheriff Jamey Noel, who has realized that the way Robert approaches his fellow prisoners, and the things he says to them, are all the kinds of things he based on his preconceived notions of prison life, and it's making him a lot of enemies.

"Robert is the one I'm most worried about," Noel admits in a preview clip for the Thursday, March 17 episode. "They're going to go after him and it could be bad. They could try to kill him."

And with some of the things Robert has said, it could wind up not being all that surprising, as he even approaches a group of prisoners and appears to chastise them for committing sex crimes, even though he doesn't actually know why they're behind bars.

"You guys are better than child molesters," he says.

He also doesn't seem to notice or realize that the way he is acting and the things he is saying are putting an increasingly larger target on his back—and he isn't overly concerned with the possibility that it could be doing that, either.

"I don't fear many of these guys," he says.

But, he may soon need to, because some of the other prisoners may have finally had enough of him and will set out to teach him a lesson—even menacingly covering up one of the cameras that is taping everything.

"Today's the day," the prisoner says in the clip.

60 Days In airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on A&E.

60 Days In | New Episode Tonight

Brave volunteers gave up their freedom to go undercover in a corrupt jail. #60DaysIn is all-new tonight at 10/9c on A&E.

Posted by 60 Days In on A&E on Thursday, March 17, 2016