Google is working hard to raise a new revolution in the world of technology with its artificial intelligence. As a primitive approach to this incredible development, the company has developed a tremendous app named: Quick, Draw!- a prompt which can enable a user to draw an image of a written word or phrase in under 20 seconds with the help of mouse cursor in such a way that a neural network can identify it.

According to The Verge, Google's exceptional creation Quick, Draw is a great instance to introduce and  familiarize one with the working capabilities of a neural network to identify objects and text in photos. This is one of the most intriguing and common forms of AI-guided software techniques that can be witnessed regaularly on platform's like Facebook and Google Photos. It is such an amazing tool that when one starts to draw on the doodle, Quick, Draw! starts guessing and yelling out words and phrases which it recognizes as the person is trying to portray. Therefore, this software can be a great supportive tool for those who suffer from speech problems.

As per a report by Time, Quick, Draw! begins with the tuitorial which claims: "This is a game built with machine learning,"  The tuitorial site further briefs that when a person crafts his/her desired art on the doodle this neural network tries to assume what object has been drawn. It may not be correct all the time but as much as the app is operated the tool learns more and more by time. By this, it may develop to recognize many things in future which it might had failed to understand at an ealier part.

The Quick, Draw! alongside many other Al-driven tools can be discovered on the new website of Google. Potential sources hint that with these instances, Google is trying to develop more and more innovative solution for daily life with the support of artificial intelligence.