For the past two years, the Apple TV+ series Ted Lasso has captured the hearts of fans around the world. The refreshingly optimistic show, starring Jason Sudeikis in the title role, has inspired many to forgive, forget (be a goldfish!), and take care of their own mental health. It has also inspired a lot of people to create. Loyal Richmond supporters have created a slough of fan art for the show, and it has convinced me that Ted Lasso viewers are the most artistic audience members out there. Here are just eight awesome creations by incredible artists that also have amazing taste in television.

1. Character Portraits by Caleigh Steele


YOU CAN'T HEAR PICTURES THEY SAID. Is it just me or does this vibrantly colored picture by Alissa's Art (@alistaps_art) fully sound like Keeley and Roy? I can hear him grunting from here. This picture has so much life in it. AMAZING!

3. Ted and Roy by Christine Chang

 I want to hang every one of these fan posters by Spenta Wadia ( on every wall of every building everywhere. They are beautiful and colorful and, honestly, really motivating. I feel like I'm going to accomplish more today after seeing these! They're legitimately inspiring.

5. Ted Lasso Portraits by Marcio Franco

 You know how the world was desperately crying out for a digital creation of a lego adaptation of Roy Kent and other members of the Richmond Team? Well, fear no more! Brickheadz MOCs by Max's (@ultranoob4k) work fulfills that request. These give me so much joy! I want these to be my phone background, like, yesterday!

7. Trent Crimm by Phelix

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 Trent Crimm, the INK-dependent! This beautiful Ink drawing by Phelix (@phelix_p_artistry) perfectly captures Trent Crimm's stoicism. This drawing is on day 7 of Phelix's Inktober challenge. Phelix's account has a collection of beautifully done ink drawings. Be sure to check them out!

8. Cast Drawing by Jon Garcia

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 If I were to describe Ted Lasso in one picture, this is the picture. Jon Garcia (@rokrjon) has done an absolutely amazing job honoring and capturing the spirit of every character. Garcia is also participating in the Inktober challenge. This falls on day 12. Check out his other creations on his Instagram. 

These are just eight examples of the phenominal art that Ted Lasso fans are creating. I BELIEVE Ted Lasso fans are the most artistic ones out there. (Get it? Believe? know what, never mind, just keep looking at the art!)