John Hurt's role as the Doctor has not been clearly defined and the new addition to the Doctor Who universe is not handing out any spoilers in regards to the iconic programs 50th Anniversary Special.

Introduced terminal moments of last season's "The Name of the Doctor," Hurt will be portraying some long hidden version of the time-traveling Gallifreyan. While it is not clear what time he is from, the unnumbered Doctor defiantly did something that the current Doctor (Matt Smith) would rather not be associated with.

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The Guardian reports that a costume designer for the BBC show accidently broke the Doctor Who cone of silence and let slip that Hurt would be portraying a 'Dark Doctor.'

While Hurt couldn't testify to this admission, this seems entirely plausible and Whovians are well aware of just how terrifying the fury of a Time Lord can be.

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"Of course you have to remember that the Doctors are all one person, so I'm not outside of that. I can't talk about it, but I will say I was really impressed when I did it," Hurt said of his role, according to The Guardian.

Outside of labeling his character, Hurt is far more concerned with keeping up with the performances of his Doctor co-stars - Smith and David Tennant.

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"Both the previous doctors - Matt Smith and David Tennant - boy, are they good at it," Hurt told The Guardian. "They are so quick, and there's a huge amount of learning and no time to learn it in. All that fake scientific nonsense. Terribly difficult to learn."

Perhaps the mystery Doctor needs a few more lines like "wibbly wobbly timey wimey...stuff."

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special will air on Nov. 23.