Following the release of a sneak peek earlier this week, Supernatural fans now have their first official promo for season 9.

In case viewers weren't already poised on the edge of their seats anxiously awaiting the Oct. 8 premiere, this new trailer will have fans white-knuckling it though the next few weeks.

Sam (Jared Padalecki) was left seriously wrecked from last season's trials and was barely conscious when the credits rolled on "Sacrifice." Now the younger Winchester brother is laid up in a hospital bed as a disbelieving Dean (Jensen Ackles) says Sammy's life can't be just left in God's hands.

From the sneak preview we know Dean goes looking for help, and perhaps he will find it in the form of the fallen angel Ezekiel, played by Tahmoh Penikett in the premiere.

While the idea that Penikett's character may help the Winchesters is purely promo inspired speculation, the trailer does show Dean running through the hospital as glass breaks all around him (usually an effect caused by one of Heaven's host using their true voice) and, at nine seconds in, we see a bloodied Dean standing next to Sam while someone (Ezekiel?) touches both their foreheads.

"The season premiere, ["I think I'm Gonna Like It Here"], picks up right where the season 8 finale leaves off," said Supernatural's episode 2 director, Guy Norman Bee, according to the Examiner. "We'll find out how [Sam] made this miraculous recovery in the premiere episode."

Even if an angel does windup playing a role in Sam's recovery, he is still going to wind up running into the big daddy of reapers. The hunter will come face to face with Death (Julian Richings), someone who has apparently been looking for Sam.

While the brothers work out their health issues, Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) seems determined to not only take over Hell, but to also have all the fallen angels bend to her will. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) suddenly doesn't seem like such a bad guy when compared to the power-hungry Knight of Hell.

However, the line that will really make fans shiver is when Sam tells Dean there is nothing to fight for.

Supernatural returns to the CW on Oct. 8.