Castiel (Misha Collins) is learning to live with his new-found humanity and it appears he is going to have very non-angelic feelings towards a new character.

Shannon Lucio (The O.C.) has been cast as April Kelly, a romantic interest for the trench coat donning-angel, according to TV Line . The character is set to appear in season 9's third episode, "I'm No Angel."

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While Cas normally exhibits no interest in participating in human dalliances, Collins indicated several times over the summer that his character would be experimenting with such feelings now that he is no longer a full-fledged angel.

"There is sex that does occur between Castiel and a person," Collins coyly informed fans at last month's VanCon.

There have been several notable exceptions to Cas' abstention from romantic relationships. In season 5's "Free to be You and Me," Dean (Jensen Ackels) takes Cas to a brothel, an outing that didn't go so well considering the angel managed to terrify a prostitute by talking about her father. However, in season 6's "Caged Heat," Cas kissed the demon Meg (Rachel Miner) using knowledge he had picked up from the pizza man.

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It must be noted that these examples happened while Castiel was still an angel. Season 5's "The End," however, showed the character in a more human state, during which he was quite familiar with the opposite sex.

Find out how Castiel will manage with his new love interest when Supernatural returns to the CW on a new night starting Oct. 8.