Everyone is onto one Big Brother houseguest's schemes, though she is still somehow not the target for eviction this week.

The New Head of Household On 'Big Brother' Has Been Crowned

Head of Household: Liz Nolan

Nominees: Becky Burgess and John McGuire

Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, James Huling, Julia Nolan, Meg Maley, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso

Is 'Big Brother 17' Shaping Up To Be Better Than Season 15 & 16?

Liz decided to nominate Becky and John for eviction on Friday, considering they are the only two houseguests who haven't made a deal with her. Liz, Julia, Austin and Vanessa discussed who to target at length on Friday, with Vanessa flip-flopping constantly. They spent much of the afternoon bashing John, with Liz even saying he's the most "basic, boring" houseguest ever.

However, when John got a chance to defend himself to Liz and Austin, Austin realized that Vanessa has been spinning a web of lies. While he told John that the house needs to work together to get Vanessa evicted, he told Liz in private that they can't be the ones to do it. After all, they have been aligned this whole game and whichever one stays of Becky and John would target Vanessa over anyone else.

Later in the night, Liz and Julia got together and hashed out who they want to be evicted this week. While they don't trust Vanessa at all anymore, they still think she's a number for them. Liz said that Becky should be evicted this week since they can use their "hotness" to manipulate John. You can't make this stuff up.

Even later in the night, Austin was talking to himself and saying that if Becky or John were to win the Veto then either James or Meg would have to go up. It is unknown who would be the target if Becky were to win the Veto and take herself off, but John expressing that he would definitely go after Vanessa suggests keeping him around a bit longer. In that case, James or Meg would go home, with James being the far more likely possibility.

Big Brother 17 returns for a new episode Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.