Gather 'round, Shadowhunter fans, one of the series' first official book-to-television changes has been revealed.

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ABC is revving up for the premiere of its Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments adaptation, and viewers should be prepared to see a different side of the Lightwoods. Unlike her bond with brothers Alec (Matthew Daddario) and Max (Jack Fulton), Isabelle's (Emeraude Toubia) relationship with her parents will get a little shake up.

"Our families is going to be featured a lot in there and Isabelle's relationship with her mom is different in the series, it's not like its written in the books because we want to take it to places we don't want everything to just be there we want to grow that relationship," Toubia informed Work Print at New York Comic Con. "So Isabelle's relationship with her mom is different but her relationship with her brothers you know is the same, she loves him, she's willing to die for him."

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Are you excited to dive further into the Lightwood story? Find out more when Shaowhunters comes to ABC Family (soon to be Freeform) on Jan. 12. Check out a preview below!