Teen Wolf's Scott McCall has to build his pack back up again, and not just in numbers.

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The True Alpha suffered tumult of earth-shattering blows last summer, from losing his best friend to losing his life. Now, as the high school senior attempts to face down Theo (Cody Christian), the Dread Doctors, and The Beast, he's fairly certain his tank is completely empty.

Mr. McCall (Melissa Ponzio), however, isn't so certain. From the mom that gave us "Be Your Own Anchor," here's a little more friendly advice:

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"Every leader suffers loss, sometimes more than you think is bearable," Melissa tells her son in the latest season 5B promo. "You're their leader, and even when a leader thinks they have nothing left to give, there is still one thing. Hope. Give them hope."

With all that's going on in Beacon Hills, hope is in short supply. As Stiles (Dylan O'Brien) paces the hospital halls waiting on word of his father, Malia (Shelley Hennig) has her mother to worry about, Liam (Dylan Sprayberry) is caught up with his chimera girlfriend, and Lydia (Holland Roden) is in her own personal Eichen House hell. What can Scott (Tyler Posey) do to turn the tide?

Find out when Teen Wolf returns to MTV with a new night and time on Jan. 5 at 9 p.m. ET.