Fans of The 100 should buckle up. No, literally, buckle up. Someone gave the Arkers and Grounders a jeep.

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For two seasons, the Sky People and their warrior counterparts have fought for and against each other, suffered at the hands of the Mountain Men, and tried to navigate the political rifts caused by the Arkers' return to Earth. As season 2 begins, a budding peace will be shattered and a wayward Clarke (Eliza Taylor) will be on everyone's hit list.

The first teaser is two parts battle and one part angst. As epic as the 30-second spot is, showrunner Jason Rothenberg promises it is nothing compared to the full-length trailer that will hit the Internet after the weekend.

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"Hey guys, the TEASER that aired tonight during @CW_Arrow is just a taste of what you'll see on Monday when the full trailer drops. #The100," Rothenberg teased.

With 13 episodes of footage to draw from, the trailer should pack a major punch. Meanwhile, we're wondering which faction will take to the road Jurassic Park-style. The Mountain Men and Alie the AI are the only bastions of technology (that we've met), and now that the denizens of Mount Weather are no more, perhaps their pre-war accouterments will give our heroes a boost.

Find out more when The 100 returns to The CW on Jan. 21 at 9 p.m. ET.