They aren't quite as famous as the rest of the teams they'll be competing against on The Amazing Race, but Marty Cobb and Hagan Parman think that is just the key to helping them win.

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In a pre-race interview with CBS, the mother/daughter duo discussed how the other teams on the show were all bigger names in the social media world, and therefore had some idea of who one another were. However, because their claim to fame is Marty's one viral video of her at work as a Southwest Airlines flight attendant, they think they can fly under the radar far easier and keep the other teams from suspecting them as strong competitors.

"...They have no idea who we are, so they come in here knowing who everybody else is, but with us, we're not really on the radar I don't think," Hagan says.

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In addition, the two also think that they have a bit of an advantage because Marty works as a flight attendant, which means travel is in their systems and can definitely prepare them for whatever the Race throws at them.

"Our edge is just,,,first of all my job," Marty says. "And I'm used to traveling, and I'm used to the schedules."

The Amazing Race season 28 premieres Friday, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. on CBS.